Upholding Indigenous Wisdom for Over 35 Years

A short animation about who we are, and why we do what we do

Reweaving the basket of life alongside Earth’s custodians and defenders

The Gaia Foundation is a small, international organisation with 35 years’ experience accompanying partners, communities and movements around the world to revive and protect bio-cultural diversity. We take a holistic approach to regenerate healthy ecosystems and strengthen community self-governance. Both are critical as we face the grave reality of climate chaos, biodiversity collapse and social injustice.

Together with our partners from the Atlantic to the Arctic, Africa to the Amazon, we are reweaving the basket of life, revalorising the knowledge systems that enhance it, and restoring a respectful relationship with the Earth.

Find out more about our areas of work

Our Latest News

Inspiring stories from our work with grassroots communities, global movements and Earth's custodians & defenders...

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Where Giants Grow

A Seed Sovereignty Film Following The Legend of A Giant Cabbage Across Borders

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Programmes, Movements & Campaigns

Visit our sister sites to find out more about the movements we're an active part of on the ground...

A journey through our history...

35 years ago, Edward Posey and Liz Hosken were joined by change-makers from the global South, such as José Lutzenberger (Brazil), Martin Khor (Malaysia), Wangari Maathai (Kenya), Vandana Shiva (India), in setting out a vision for The Gaia Foundation. Registered as a UK charity in 1987 and operating from north London, the famous yellow-door of Gaia House signalled a safe-haven and meeting place for activists and visionaries for ecological and social justice.

The following decades have been marked by many key moments – too many to mention. Throughout these years we have kept true to the shared vision of amplifying the voices of Earth defenders, restoring a respectful relationship with our Mother Earth, and upholding Indigenous wisdom.

A 35 Year Journey

Reasons to support our work

For over 35 years, Gaia has been at the forefront of struggles to defend and nurture Mother Earth alongside her best custodians- Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

During this time we have supported many communities to revive their Earth-centred traditions and governance systems; elevated the voices of Earth defenders who need to be heard; built long-lasting and radical alliances for systemic change, and effected disruptive policy change from the village to international levels.

The stories and infographics below explore the impacts of this work so far.

Our Impact
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Support us with a donation

We live in a time of multiple, complex crises. There are no easy answers. Working to uphold the health and diversity of our living planet is always rewarding, but we think you’ll agree it can sometimes feel like swimming against the stream. And yet like salmon we leap, and more often than you might expect, we make it. We invite you to make the next leap with us by making a donation of any size. Thank you for your solidarity.

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